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2020 Board of Directors
Left to Right: Social Co-Directors: Sarah Solberg, Jill Gossard, Pam Geernaert, Janice Soto, Tournament Co-Director: Dennis Vaillancourt, President: Steve Bringman, Tournament Co-Director: Cathy Vaillancourt, Communications Director: Helen Berott, Finance Director-Treasurer: Lanell Stanley


2020 BOD & Membership Meeting Minutes:

BOD Meeting Minutes, Wednesday, December 2, 2020

The meeting was called to order by President, Steve Bringman.

Present:  Steve Bringman, Helen Berott, Lanell Stanley, Cathy Vaillancourt, Dennis Vaillancourt

The President gave an update on construction of the two new tennis courts.  We are still restricted by the State of California from having any large gatherings.  We are planning and hoping to resume our social and competitive tournaments by the second half of 2021.

Thanks were given to outgoing members of the Board Lanell Stanley, Pam Geernhaerdt, Jan Soto and Jill Gossard for their service in 2020.  New board members Eric Butler, Patti Kingston and Joel Baynes were welcomed.

From November 13-20 we had an email vote for membership to approve the revised by-laws and operating procedures.  The measure passed with 83 YES votes and 0 NO votes.

Motion was made and seconded to remove Lanell Stanley from the LHTG checking account, and replace her with new Finance Director Eric Butler.  Motion passed unanimously.

 The meeting was adjourned.

 Helen Berott

Communications Director


BOD Meeting Minutes, Monday, June 1, 2020

The meeting was called to order by President, Steve Bringman.

Present:  Steve Bringman, Helen Berott, Sarah Solberg, Pam Geernaert, Jill Gossard, Jan Soto, Cathy Vaillancourt, Dennis Vaillancourt and Web Master Carl Lynch.  There were an additional twelve LHTG members present.


The meeting was called to order at 1:02pm.  Director reports were given.


Finance:  Checking account balance is about the same as last year.  With everything on hold, there is little activity.  LHTG has been awarded 501-C tax exempt status by the IRS.


Social:  Everything on hold until we are able to resume our tournaments.  Steve and Lanell will deal with getting refunds for deposits made for the cancelled tournaments. 


Tournaments: All tournaments are on hold until the HOA Board gives approval for our gatherings.


Communications: We currently have 205 paid members. Current membership roster sent out in March.  It is expected that USTA and SATA leagues will resume play in September.  We confirmed that non-residents are not eligible to be members of the LHTG; however, when deemed appropriate, non-residents can play in our tournaments for a $20 fee.


President’s Report:  The Engineering Report on construction of two new courts has been received by the City of Lincoln, and permits should be forthcoming in the next few days.  Work on the fences on courts 5-6-7 will begin this week.  Water fountains around the courts are not operable now because Maintenance is unable to have them sanitized throughout the day.  Players need to continue to bring their own water.  Players need to be reminded that non-residents cannot play here until restrictions are lifted.  Steve, Dennis Vaillancourt and Carl Braganza have been monitoring the courts during the busy hours, and report that our players are doing a good job of maintaining social distance. There are players that have requested that lights be available for night play when it is cooler. Steve will investigate. Our bi-annual membership meeting scheduled for June 4 has been cancelled.  The meeting subject was to be a change of our by-laws.  Helen and Carl will work to get member approval for the changes.


A motion was made and seconded to reduce Drop In to one court from 8 – 10am on Wednesdays and Saturdays until we have eleven courts available.  The motion carried unanimously.  A notice will be sent out to the LHTG membership and the bulletin board information updated.


The meeting was adjourned at 2:20pm.


Helen Berott

Communications Director


BOD Meeting Minutes, Monday, March 2, 2020

The meeting was called to order by President, Steve Bringman.

Present:  Steve Bringman, Helen Berott, Lanell Stanley, Sarah Solberg, Cathy Vaillancourt, Dennis Vaillancourt


Minutes of the February 3 BOD meeting were approved unanimously.


Finance:  Bank issues have been resolved.  A tentative budget for the year was presented.  Need more membership renewals.


Social:  St. Pat’s tourney will have a corned beef & cabbage lunch catered by Sterling Café.  Reservations for 2020 Christmas luncheons have been confirmed and deposits made


Tournaments: We have few early registrations for St. Pat’s tourney.  Need to promote it. Board agreed to charge $20 entry fee for non-residents for tournaments. 


Communications:  Big effort to get membership renewals in the works. Will send out St. Pat’s flyer again.  Need to send out membership roster to members.  Discussion about when/if we take unpaid LHTG members off the roster. Siino’s contacted about sponsorship.


President’s Report:  No work started on courts 5-6-7.  Carolyn Properties has agreed to sponsor again this year.  We would like to donate approximately $500 to Lincoln High School and $500 to L.H. Foundation.


The meeting was adjourned.


Helen Berott

Communications Director

BOD Meeting Minutes, Monday, February 3, 2020

The meeting was called to order at 1:25pm by President, Steve Bringman.

Present:  Steve Bringman, Helen Berott, Lanell Stanley, Pam Geernaert, Jill Gossard, Cathy Vaillancourt, Dennis Vaillancourt


Minutes of the January 6 BOD meeting were approved unanimously.


Finance:  Meeting at Wells Fargo today should result in Finance Director and President having access to the LHTG bank account.


Social:  All events for 2020 have been scheduled and reservations confirmed.  Refreshments for Feb 14 tourney are planned and decorations ready to go.


Tournaments: We have a good turnout for first tournament.  Plans are already underway for the St. Pat’s tournament.


Communications:  Membership renewals continue to trickle in.  Low turnout at the New Resident Orientation.


President’s Report:  The new banners have been hung on Court #1.  Maintenance has been very responsive to our needs for hanging banners and replacing on-court lights. Mid-February we’ll see excavation start for new courts.  We will not lose courts 5-6-7 until work on new courts is underway.



The meeting was adjourned at 2:45pm


Helen Berott

Communications Director

BOD Meeting Minutes, Monday, January 6, 2020

The meeting was called to order at 1:07pm by President, Steve Bringman.

Present:  Steve Bringman, Helen Berott, Lanell Stanley, Pam Geernaert, Jill Gossard, Jan Soto, Sarah Solberg, Cathy Vaillancourt, Dennis Vaillancourt and Web Master Carl Lynch.

A gift from Jimmy Walker was presented.  He has provided the LHTG with a speaker system to use at our tournaments. The Tournament Directors’ Vaillancourt will store it and bring to the tournaments.

Directors’ Reports:

Finance:  Lanell Stanley informed the BOD of the current financial status.  She and Steve are considering having a LHTG post office box, rather than every year having a different address for government forms.

Webmaster:  Our web site is completely up to date.  Tournament dates and membership meetings are on the schedule. 

Social:  The Sports Pavilion reservations for the February 14 and March 18 tournaments have been confirmed.  Pam will confirm reservations for the remaining dates for the year.  The December holiday luncheon reservations have been confirmed for December 10.  The Spring General Membership meeting will be combined with an ice cream social on June 4 at 2pm at the Sports Pavilion. 

Tournaments: Flyer for Mid-Winter Blues is being created by Linda Burke.  It should be available by Wednesday, Jan 6.  More information on format and expenses will be available soon.

Communications:  Membership renewals are slowly coming in.  A reminder will be sent out mid-January.  Roster is updated from renewal forms.  The checks will be passed on to Finance. We will have a table at the New Resident Orientation event on January 9 at OC. 

President’s Report:  The USTA team banners have been removed from Court 1 and will be replaced.  There will be one charity tournament, with proceeds probably going to the L.H. Foundation and Lincoln High School Tennis.  Ken Newell will handle the singles tournaments, and Val will handle LITT. The next meeting will be Monday, February 3.

The meeting was adjourned at 2:14pm

Submitted by Helen Berott, Communications Director