2019 BOD & Membership Meeting Minutes:
BOD Meeting, Tuesday,
November 12, 2019
CALL to ORDER: 1:32pm
Attending: Diane, Les, Sandy, Carol, Linda
Not Attending: Carl
CALL to ORDER 1:04pm
Attending 2019 Board: Diane, Les, Sandy, Carol, Linda, 2020 Board:
Steve Bringman, Jill Gossard, Jan Soto Minutes Approved
PRESIDENTS REPORT (Les) Discussed extensively about
the new sports plaza plan. Need to keep tennis on ct 7. Steve to
meet with Chris O’Keefe about new court plan. Steve to do New
Resident Orientation tomorrow. New business: SOCIAL REPORT - (Sandy
& Carol) Carol - Holiday Luncheons. Social picked out buffet menu
held at Turkey Creek. Turkey Creek to charge same amount as last
year and club to subsidize the rest. 1 Drink ticket to be included
(beer or wine). Discussed the donation to Sheridan Elementary School
pickup. Linda to get flyer out soon.
(Diane) Approved October expenditures. Discussed new bylaws and what
has changed. Carl Lynch had made some changes. Next years board to
look further into changes and get membership approval. Need to get
any power-point presentation for the General membership meeting to
Carl soon.
Communications - Member update - 3 new members - membership is 288.
Linda will collect renewals till the end of the year and then pass
on to next year communications. Send out Holiday flyers - vote for
new board, General meeting date Thursday Dec 5 11:00.
discussed to be table for next years board -USTA banners taken down
due to faded - club to talk about having them redone -Storage in
pavillion area - why are we not using -Plaques - what’s to become of
them -Webmaster no longer a board member
New Business -
Discuss if we have any volunteers for next year’s board
Adjourned: 2:16pm
Prepared by Linda Burke
BOD Meeting, Tuesday,
September 10, 2019
CALL to ORDER: 1:32pm
Attending: Diane, Les, Sandy, Carol, Linda
Not Attending: Carl
PRESIDENTS REPORT: (Les) Discussed how to
recruit for next years Board. Get the word out. Also talked about
why tennis was not in the Sports Day Oct. 23. Tennis is now in it,
will have a ball machine working that day.
REPORT: (Diane) Approve August expenditures. Approved
submitted invoices for payment. Discuss Tax Exempt and sent to
Jennifer the accountant that is assisting Diane on the laws.
SOCIAL REPORT: (Sandy & Carol) Upcoming tournament
MD tournament will have snacks & sandwiches. Social to look into
prizes for the tournament. Les offered to BBQ for the Luau but
social is looking into BBQ truck. The rest will be potluck. Social
to be at the new resident day Thursday - Linda to printout flyers.
Next board meeting to be changed to Oct 1 to accommodate all the
tournaments in that month. Social to meet with Diane Huisinga to
pick up misc items she has from previous years.
COMMUNICATIONS REPORT: (Linda) Communications - Member
update - 3 new or new renewed this month. Need to send out approval
of the By-law change of webmaster to be a board member. Linda to get
flyers ready for upcoming events: Luau by Sept 15th. Members and new
members can start joining the club October 1, 2019 for 2020. Next
board meeting to be changed to Oct 1 to accommodate all the
tournaments in that month. Locker by court 1 needs to be cleaned.
Will check with maintenance or do it ourselves. Still looking for
LITT Night Coordinator. Will delay start time to mid or end Sept.
Discuss if we have any
volunteers for next year’s board
BOD Meeting, Tuesday,
August 13, 2019
The Minutes are currently missing and will be
posted when they becoma available
BOD Meeting,
July 2019
No July BOD Meeting was held due to vacation
General Membership
Meeting, Friday, June 14, 2019
CALL to ORDER: 2:10pm
Attending: Diane, Les, Sandy, Carol, Linda, Carl.
45 LHTG members
PRESIDENTS REPORT: (Les) Thanked all members
and Board for attending. Turned over to the Board members to speak.
did a wonderful job of making a slide show for finance. Summary -
explained profit & loss, supplies left over, spent more than
collected on tournaments - but that is fine - we have enough in
treasury. Tax Exempt summary - Diane went into extensive detail of
what is involved. Membership was in agreement that the club should
file. IRS $600 - CA $25 one time charge. Other clubs have filed.
lieu of the Fall Dinner Dance the social decided to have a Hawaiian
Lua themed party. Secured the popular Tom Fretty DJ. Linda suggested
BBQ truck but Les said he will cook.
(Linda) 291 members - last 7 years has stayed between 290310 so
membership is not declining. 32 new members in the last 2 years. One
thing that has declined is Tournaments. Linda asked the membership
if they had any thoughts. Social is better - mix & switch.
Good News - The 65+ Womens 7.0 USTA Team won their League and is
going to the Sectionals in Oakley next week. Go cheer them on.
Pickleball summary - Thanked all the members who have spent
their precious time speaking up or emailing SCLH Board against the
converting of court 5 to pickleball. Linda received 30 or more
emails from members giving their opinion. Opened the floor - many
members spoke.
After the membership left, Diane moved that
we go forward on application for tax exempt status. Sandy seconded -
Board voted and approved.
Linda to send out vote to membership for the
webmaster to become a voting member.
Adjourned: 3:20 pm
Submitted by Linda Burke
BOD Meeting, Tuesday,
May 14, 2019
CALL to ORDER 1:30pm
Attending: Les Van
Pelt, Sandy Zentner, Carol Vasconcellos, Diane McLaughlin
Minutes from April 2019 meeting
Expenditures in April reviewed and approved. Cash balance at April
30, 2019 was $5,183.16. Expenditures in May from Mixed Doubles and
tennis balls for LITT reviewed and approved. St. Patricks tournament
net outflow $422.41, Mixed Doubles preliminary net outflow through
this date $223.14.
and Carol) Discussed success of Cinco De Mayo theme Mixed Doubles,
good food and fun enjoyed by all attending. Discussed
Dinner/Dance event for September with a Luau theme. Possible
pot-luck and BBQ pork ribs. Diane will look into music and dance
entertainment. Possible dates Sunday September 8 or 15.
and Operating Policy changes. Discussed bringing them to the
semi-annual meeting in June 14, 2019. (Does anyone have a
confirmation of this date?)
Adjourned: 2:30p.m.
Submitted by: Carol Vasconcellos /
Diane McLaughlin
BOD Meeting, Tuesday,
April 9, 2019
CALL to ORDER 1:31pm
Attending: Diane, Les,
Sandy, Carol, Linda
(Les) Thanked all the Board members once again for a job well done.
Ball Machine volunteers in order.
MXD Tournament -
David Mateer to be Tournament Director, Linda to make
Discussed Calendar of Events - all
approved. Men’s & Women’s Luncheon - Sandy to send Linda exact
dates. Linda to send out note to members to go through the LHTG
Board with any complaints - not the SCLH Board.
REPORT - (Diane) Approve March expenditures. Approved
Approve submitted invoices for payment. Approved Cash Balance
$4,987. Diane wrote out checks to expenses for month of March -
Domain Fee, Postage, St Patrick’s Day. Discuss Tax Exempt status and
recommended process for approval - Diane is looking into it advise
from tax person. Bring up to Membership at first General Meeting.
Table for now, to be discuss next meeting
(Sandy & Carol) Mixed doubles tournament on May 3 - Sandy
came up with a brilliant idea...Cinco de Mayo theme. Tres Hermanos
to cater at a cost of $8 pp. Entry fee to be $10pp and $8 lunch
only. May try to get Mexican themed prizes and a Pinata. Discussed
having a Hawaiian theme Potluck instead of the Fall Dinner Dance.
Carol said people have been suggesting a Potluck.
COMMUNICATIONS REPORT - (Linda) 289 members - 55 have not
renewed yet. Linda to send out email reminder again. Cut off date to
stop receiving LHTG communications will be June 1st if not renewed
by then.
Communications - Member update - LITT
Update - Need date for 1st General Membership Meeting
Business - Discuss By-Laws and Operating Policies.
Adjoined: 2:23pm
Submitted by: Linda Burke
BOD Meeting, Monday,
March 11, 2019
CALL to ORDER: 1:37pm
ATTENDING: Linda Burke, Carl
Lynch, Les Van Pelt, Carol Vasconcellos, Sandy Zentner, Greg Burke.
ABSENT: Diane McLaughlin
- Approved
PRESIDENTS REPORT: (Les) - talked to
Paula about cutting bushes along tennis courts - Discuss Pickleball
wanting to take Ct 5 anymore info.
Prior to her planned absence at this meeting, Diane sent the Finance reports to all BOD members
for review prior to the
meeting. - Approved
- St Pat's format will be 3 matches each team - mix and switch. This is
supposed to be a fun tournament to meet new peoples and have fun.
SOCIAL DIRECTORS’ REPORT: (Carol & Sandy) - Check with Diane or
Hal on any late entries for the tournament. They need a count to
give to Sterling Cafe for food. Check-in at 8:30 play at 9. Will use
some of the candy left from the Valentine’s canceled Tournament.
COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTOR’S REPORT: (Linda) - Presented membership
numbers and new members. 288 members - Still sending out renewal
reminders - 12 have renewed since sending out reminders.
WEBMASTER’S REPORT: (Carl) - All new and current
newsletters, flyers, and BOD meeting minutes were published to the
webpage. All of the current USTA team info was edited to show the
current teams.
board voted to postpone the discussion of Old Business untill next meeting:
-Update to the Bylaws
-New board tennis day for new members
or existing (from last minutes)
-Calendar of events, summer BBQ?
-Vote on 2019 bylaws and operating guidelines documents
home for the Championship plaques
-Let non-tennis playing spouse
join for free
-MXD tournament - do we have a director?
ADJOURNED: - 2:17pm
Submitted by: Linda Burke - Communications
With further updates by Diane and Carl
BOD Meeting, Tuesday,
February 12, 2019
CALL to ORDER 1:05pm
Carol, Diane, Carl, Les, Linda. The Quorum of Board Members was met.
The acting Valentines tournament director Greg Burke also attended
PRESIDENTS REPORT: (Les) - Attended Lincoln
Hills association meeting. Meet & Greet went over programs. Will
bring the rest of the handouts to our meeting. We need to update
CCOC with new Board contacts and remove
Bob White as a board member and add Linda. Linda to take care of this.
Need new Ball Machine person to run dropin. Les to send Linda a list
of potential people to contact. Club Expo - Carol & Sandy will
attend. Linda to create new poster.
(Diane) - Financial status reported as good. Bank balance
as of 1/31/19 was $4996.34. Discussed
purchasing policies and budget for functions.
Diane did a review of last year’s books (2018 by John Burke) stated
they are in order. Paid deposit to Turkey Creek for Men’s &
Women’s Xmas Luncheon and deposit for events. New tax status for
Non-profit was discussed - $500 fee to IRS - CCOC Assoc. no longer
covers. Diane to check w/CCOC. Club to subside most tournaments and
events instead of raising dues.
TOURNAMENT REPORT: (Greg) - Tournament Status - 40 sign-ups
for Valentines tournament. If it rains reschedule or cancel. Diane
deposited some entry checks at 1/31 month end and will refund checks that she has already
deposited if the tournament is cancelled. Tournament entry checks will not
be deposited until after a Tournament in the
Dave Mateer has volunteered to be the MXD tournament
Bob Sanguet has volunteered to be the Oktoberfest
tournament director
members - 91 have not renewed yet - Linda to send out reminder.
Discussed lowering fee to attract new members - non playing spouse
for free. MXD Director will be David Mateer. Lunch Only price for
tournament to be $5 or $6. -Linda to follow up on contacting of
Laurie who volunteered to run drop-ins.
(Sandy & Carol) -Social said cost of food has gone up
and the the Board voted to increase the entry fee to $8.50 Pavilion reserved for the first two
tournaments at $64 for 5 hr. Discussed Dinner Dance or BBQ - may do
Hawaiian theme. Getting food for Val from Raleys - have not
purchased yet. Will hold over other items for St Patricks if rains.
WEBMASTER’S REPORT: (Carl) - New features and
additions on the website board all agreed it looks great. Board to
look over the 2019 bylaws and operating guidelines documents
closely. Carl reported that online voting
via the webpage is not possible - There will not be a password protected roster on webpage. Board voted yes on Carl setting up a site to sell
tennis only items that members want to sell. Photos of the Award
Plaques have been added to the website - What to do with the actual Award Plaques that Carl
has now. Board voted yes to having the Webmaster be a voting Board member.
Linda to send out voting email to all members for vote.
Board voted to have a sale for new memberships with the sale price
being $10, in order to build the LHTG membership.
The Board
resolved to review the new Bylaws and Operating procedure documents
before the next meeting and possibly have a working meeting to
discuss and finalize
Submitted by: Linda Burke - Communications
With further updates by Diane and Carl
BOD Meeting, Wednesday,
January 10, 2019
Outgoing Board: Bob White, John Burke, Carol Cooper.
2019 Board: Diane McLaughlin, Les Van Pelt, Linda Burke, Carol
Vasconcellos, Sandy Zentner, and Carl Lynch.
Non-Board Members:
Hal McLaughlin, and Greg Burke
Minutes approved from last
Outgoing Board Parting words: Bob
White sent all pertinent info to Linda. Carl is up & running as the
new webmaster - John Burke started process of end of year hand off
of checks book and membership renews to Linda. End of the year
treasury is in good shape for the 2019 year. - Carol Cooper all guys
on board last year - created fun for all the events. Learned a lot
along the way. - Les Van Pelt is staying on as President in 2019 -
thanked all for their hard work in 2018 Bob motioned to adjourn
President: Les started with calendar of events.
Board finalized dates and time for the 2019 calendar year. Up for
discussion is Paypal instead of checks to be tabled. Les to ask Bob
Belknap if he is willing to run the Saturday ball machine which
seemed to be very successful. Discussed having webmaster as a voting
board member. Greg looked into it and Carl is to set up a web page
to have LHTG to vote. Les has a new engraver for our plaques. He
will be in charge of that. He may run a tournament.
Social: Carol & Sandy to reserve pavilion for those dates.
Since we do not have tournament director as of yet... Greg Burke has
volunteered to run the first 2 tournaments of the year which are
Valentines & St Patrick. Decided to not have tournaments on Sunday
and to spread them out on various days of the week. Luncheons and
Dinner Dance to be scheduled later in the year. Positive feedback of
last years luncheon at Turkey Creek. Social to look into Beermans as
a possibility. Social also has reserved Kilaga Presentation Hall for
our Annual Meetings June 14th & Dec 6th. Sandy said that Laurie
Schuler reached out to her about running the drop-ins which have
declined lately.
Communication: Linda 136
members have renewed so far. Will send out a blast early Jan to
remind. Total membership last year was 286 which is in the realm of
what we want. Linda would like to get to 300 by contacting members
that have not joined. Linda to contact Laurie Schuler to see how she
wants to handle the drop ins that she volunteered to do. Linda &
Greg Burke also volunteered to do Spring LITT. Board meetings to be
2nd Tuesday of the month 1:00 at Dianes. Linda to send out reminder.
Treasurer: Diane to do review/audit from numbers from John in 2018.
Next meeting Diane would like to discuss purchasing refunding,
budget for functions. Offered to have meetings at her house.
Webmaster: Carl discussed having a password to
get to the roster. Classified ads on the web to discuss at next
meeting...Stringing...LHTG clothing etc.
Business: Webmaster to be voted to the Board. Paypal.
Update bylaws. Find someone to run the next tourney - MXD May 3.
Classified ad on web. New board tennis day for new members or
Adjourned: 2:30pm
Submitted by Linda Burke
Communication Director