
2018 LHTG Meeting Minutes:

General Membership Meeting Presentation, December 11, 2018

Click: December 11 2018 General Membership Meeting Presentation

General Membership Meeting, Tuesday, December 11, 2018

The meeting was called to order by Les at 2:00 PM. Directors Present were Carol Cooper – Social Director, John Burke – Finance Director, Bob White – Communications Director, and Les Van Pelt – President.
The published meeting agenda was:
• 2 PM: Call to order & Welcome – Les Van Pelt • Approve Semi-Annual Meeting Minutes – Bob White • Social Director’s report – Carol Cooper • Communications & Events report - Bob White • Financial Director’s report – John Burke • Election of the 2019 BOD • SCLH BOD Candidates responses to LHTG questions • Special THANK YOU(s) – Les Van Pelt • 3 PMish: Adjournment • Early Membership Renewal raffle – 24 winners
A motion was made to approve the minutes of the Semi-Annual meeting. The motion was seconded and passed. Minutes were approved.
Each Director gave their report followed by a motion to elect the 2019 Directors. The motion had a second and then the motion passed. The following are the duly elected 2019 BOD:
• President – Les Van Pelt • Finance - Diane McLaughlin • Communication – Linda Burke • Social – Carol Vasconcellos and Sandy Zentner • Tournaments – Open for 2019 BOD to fill
The seven candidates for the SCLH BOD had replied in writing to questions given to them in a letter from LHTG delivered to them by USPS. These responses were read aloud. Six of the seven had attended the meeting and were thanked for their response.
At 3PM a motion was made to adjourn. The motion was seconded and passed.

Submitted by Bob White
Communication Director

BOD Meeting, Wednesday, December 5, 2018

The meeting was called to order by Les at 11:15. Present were Carol Cooper – Social Director, John Burke – Finance Director, Bob White – Communications Director, and Les Van Pelt – President. 

A motion was made to approve the minutes of the November BOD meeting.  The motion was seconded and passed.  Minutes were approved.

** John Burke – Finance Director:  John reported that he will provide financials at the Annual meeting.  He will produce slides and forward to Bob for inclusion in the slide presentation.  The early membership renewal drive with the raffle for one of 24 cans of balls was going great.  Had over 60 paid for 2019 at this point with the expectations that many more will renew at the two Christmas Luncheons and the annual meeting.  He will have a table setup and all three events.  For 2018 we had 51 new members while we purged 39 from the 2017 membership roster due to their moving, death, injury or other reason producing a net increase of 12 year over year.  Thus far no member has stepped forward to take the Finance Director position on the 2019 BOD.

** Carol Cooper – Social Director: Carol reported that she has set up with Turkey Creek to provide for 48 men and 57 women.  She will provide the veggie specials separately from Whole Foods.  Desserts and door prizes will be purchased separately as well.  She plans to have social time from 12 to 12:30 with the luncheon being served at 12:30. During the serving of dessert Bob will do a push to get candidates for the 2019 BOD.  In addition, Bob is to stress the importance of attending the Annual Meeting.  Not only will the last half of 2018 be reviewed but the 7 Association BOD Candidates will be there to reply to the questions presented to them from our Club.  Several possible volunteers for Social Director are in the works.

** Bob White – Communication Director: Bob agreed to do the push for our 2019 BOD candidates at both Christmas Luncheons.  Also, the push at the luncheons for the members to attend the General meeting and to hear the 7 Association BOD Candidates reply to the questions presented to them from our Club. Bob will produce an agenda from the Annual Meeting as well as presentation slides to be used at the meeting.  John agreed to provide Financial summary slides to be included.  Carol and Les both indicated that they did not need slides.  Bob stated that Linda Burke has stepped forward to take the Communication director position on the 2019 BOD.  More on the 2019 BOD was discussed.  Several names were mentioned for the various positions.  Bob will make another email solicitation today.

** Les Van Pelt – President:  Les agreed to do the welcoming comments at the beginning of the annual meeting and at the closing the recognition of the members who attended the most events through the year.  John will provide Les with the list. 

The final & transition 2018 BOD meeting will be January 10th at 1PM at the Sports Bar. The Annual meeting is on December 11th at Kilaga hall at 2PM.  A motion to adjourn was made and passed at 12:40

Submitted by Bob White

Communication Director

BOD Meeting, Monday, November 8, 2018

The meeting was called to order by Les at 11:06. Present were John Burke – Finance Director, Bob White – Communications Director, and Les Van Pelt – President.  Carol Cooper – Social Director was excused.

A motion was made to approve the minutes of the October BOD meeting.  The motion was seconded and passed.  Minutes were approved.

** John Burke – Finance Director:  John presented a revised budget for the remainder of the year which showed an ending balance of 2,063.27.  He also provided the results for Oktoberfest which showed a net income of $144.37.  Having Les and Monte cook brats and Carol & crew handling the extras proved to be quite a success.  Discussion on the Christmas luncheons was next.  It was agreed to charge the members $10 each and subsidize the remaining cost of approximately $12 per person.  John had provided earlier by email his plan to offer a discounted membership for all who would choose to signup either before or at the annual Meeting.  After some discussion it was agreed to not offer a discounted membership but perhaps to give a raffle ticket to all who sign up at the Annual Meeting.  At the end of the meeting a drawing could be held to give away 20 cans of balls (left over from early finish of LITT) to the lucky ones who signed up at the meeting.  John will have a "membership renewal" table at the Holiday Lunches as well. Members renewing at those events can also qualify for a prize. Next years Finance Director position was discussed – several possibilities are in the works.

** Carol Cooper – Social Director:  Carol had provided earlier by email her agenda items in case she was not able to attend.  The items included the Christmas luncheon pricing at Turkey Creek of $20 per person.  The menu items for both the men and the women was included.  She indicated that a veggie option for the women and desserts for both would be brought in by her at a cost above the Turkey Creek price.  Cost for decorations and door prizes would also be extra.  Reservation for Kilaga Hall in June and December of 2019 for the Semi-annual and the Annual Meeting have been made.  Several possible volunteers for Social Director are in the works.

** Bob White – Communication Director: Bob gave Les the winner plaques for mixed doubles and singles to be inscribed with the 2018 results.  The most recent PB Task Force meeting included Chris O’Keefe.  Chris indicated about six weeks until data from the Civil Engineering Firm would be available on PB courts encroaching on the parking lot.  The next meeting to be scheduled when this info is available.  The ball machine practice in the community perks section of the Compass will continue to show in November but will be removed after that.  Bob indicated that it would be good if we continue it through mid-December.  Our news articles for the Compass and the Sun Senior News have been submitted.  Collection for the Christmas toys for the children at Beale AFB will continue the next two Friday mornings by Jeff Greenberg.  Bob mentioned that if any of the BOD need slides made for the annual meeting he would need that info soon.  More on the 2019 BOD was discussed.  Several names were mentioned for the various positions.  Bob will make another email solicitation today.

Next BOD meeting will be December 5th at 11 AM at Kilaga. The Annual meeting is on December 11th at Kilaga hall at 2PM.  A motion to adjourn was made and passed at 12:00

Submitted by Bob White

Communication Director

BOD Meeting, Monday, October 11, 2018

The meeting was called to order by Les at 11:06. Present were Carol Cooper – Social Director, John Burke – Finance Director, Bob White – Communications Director, and Les Van Pelt -- President

A motion was made to approve the minutes of the September BOD meeting.  The motion was seconded and passed.

The subject of the 2019 BOD was discussed.  Several names were mentioned for the various positions.  A plan for contact was also discussed and was viewed as favorable by all.  Once we have the candidates an email voting option will be emailed, hopefully by mid-November.

** John Burke – Finance Director:  John presented a revised budget for the remainder of the year which showed an ending balance of 2,045.31.  He also provided the results for LITT, Mixed doubles and the end of Summer BBQ showing very favorable results.  A forecast for the Oktoberfest was included.  Sent earlier by email were the balance sheet, the profit & loss statement and the bank reconciliation which showed cash on hand as of 9/30/2018 to be $4,044.04.  He pointed out that we will be able to subsidize the Christmas lunches by approximately $12 per person and still end with approximately $2,000.

John next suggested we have an early signup discount on membership.  Perhaps $10 if payment is made by the annual meeting on December 11th.  Maybe an incentive to attend the annual meeting.  This will be a main topic for the November BOD meeting.

** Carol Cooper – Social Director:  Christmas Lunches -- Carol indicated the cost for a buffet lunch at Turkey Creek has been offered at $20 per person.  A veggie option might be available for individual orders.  Wine can be brought in with a corkage fee of $5.  Beer and spirits will be available for individual purchase by the members.  She plans to provide the dessert and will determine the best way to serve it.  Music and video capabilities are available with LHTG providing the content.  Oktoberfest – Menu of brats, sauerkraut and German potato salad is planned.  Les will do the cooking with help from Monte Boatwright as they did for the BBQ.  Tournament entry numbers to be provided by Dave Mateer several days before the tournament date of October 27th.

** Bob White – Communication Director:  Bob gave a recap of the current situation with the Task force looking into possible new pickleball courts.  Several possibilities at a location between the existing PB courts and the parking area has been passed to Chris O’Keefe.  Chris is working with his Civil engineering firm to see if this is possible.  Hopefully we will know something soon.  The court resurfacing schedule and Bob’s court walk around with Erik Rosales, Facilities Manager, was reviewed.  The signage around the courts will be corrected to state the 90-minute court time and change the word “lock” to “close” the gates.  The cable that once held the locks will be removed.  An inventory of light bulbs and ballasts will be maintained.  We will be notified when sets of courts are again open to play.

Next BOD meeting will be November 8th at 11 AM at Kilaga.

A motion to adjourn was made and passed at 12:50

Submitted by Bob White

Communication Director

Special BOD meeting Monday, September 10, 2018

The meeting was called to order by Les at 1 PM. Present were John Burke – Finance Director, Bob White – Communications Director and Les Van Pelt -- President   Social Director – Carol Cooper was excused.

One order of business was to select the LHTG representative to the Properties Committee pickleball “possible new court” task force.  Discussion was held on the Properties Committee meeting which had been attended by Bob and Carol.  It was decided that Bob should represent LHTG.  A motion was made and seconded to have Bob be our representative.  The motion passed.  A motion was made, seconded and passed that this meeting would be continued on Monday, September 17 at 1 PM at the home of John Burke. A motion was made, seconded and passed to adjourn this meeting.

BOD Meeting, Monday, September 17, 2018

This is a continuation of the special BOD of September 10th, 2018 with the minutes of that meeting noted above.

This meeting was called to order by Les at 3:06. Present were Carol Cooper – Social Director, John Burke – Finance Director, Bob White – Communications Director, Dave Mateer – Tournament Director and Les Van Pelt -- President

A motion was made to approve the minutes of the June BOD meeting and the special BOD meeting of September 10th.  The motion was seconded and passed.

** John Burke, Finance Director, stated that there was only one deposit in August and no other transactions.  His budget for the next three events was reviewed.  Discussion took place and a few adjustments were made.  Membership continues to climb with 33 new members thus far in 2018.  John suggested several options for the future to smooth the financial transaction flow.  Perhaps adding a second person to work with the financial director with a year to year continuation of one member to educate the new member.  Perhaps this should be reviewed with the incoming 2019 BOD.  A short discussion on nomination for positions on the 2019 BOD took place.

** Carol Cooper, Social Director.  Menus and prizes for the upcoming events were discussed.  Carol will check with Mr. Pickles to see if a sponsorship deal like two years ago might be possible.  Carol will verify with Shelvie that the setup for the mixed doubles and the BBQ are finalized.  Bente will help. 

Carol stated that Linda McDermott will not be able to prepare food for the Oktoberfest.  We should use a caterer.

**Dave Mateer, Tournament Director.  Dave reviewed the possible mixed doubles draw.  With some creative work he thinks things are good as is.  After some discussion on the planned 8 court resurfacing set to begin on October 8th, it was agreed that the scheduled date of October 20th might need to be delayed one week.  Carol to check on the availability of the pavilion for October 27th.  The Oktoberfest flyer will not be emailed until this change is finalized or nixed.  Needs to happen soon.

** Bob White, Communications Director.  Sun Senior News and Compass articles have been submitted for October publications.  Bob reviewed the Properties Committee’s Pickleball meeting that was attended by him and Carol.  Next, he reviewed the first “pickleball more court” task force meeting showing on photoshop several of the possibilities for new pickleball court venues.  The planned October construction date for changes to the parking lot to create more parking spaces has been postponed.  This delay is primarily to see if a modified plan can accommodate new pickleball courts at the entrance off Del Webb Blvd.  The Task force seems to like this venue.  The membership will be notified that the Saturday ball machine practice will end with the last Saturday in September.  Membership will also be notified the 8 courts will unavailable starting October 8 until they are released by the Association.  Finally, a recap was given about the “new resident meeting” attended by Bob and BJ. 

** Les Van Pelt.  A motion to adjourn was made and seconded.  Meeting was adjourned at 5:16 PM. The next BOD meeting will be Thursday, October 11th at 11 AM at Kilaga.

Submitted by Bob White, Communications Director

BOD Meeting, Thursday, July 26, 2018

The meeting was called to order by Les at 11:05. Present were Carol Cooper – Social Director, John Burke – Finance Director, Bob White – Communications Director and Les Van Pelt -- President

A motion was made to approve the minutes of the June BOD meeting.  The motion was seconded and passed.

** John Burke, Finance Director, reviewed the current financial reports.  A motion was made to approve the June expenditures which was seconded and passed.  He noted that paid membership to date was 256.  Our current actual balance is $3,551.28 as of 6/30/2018.  John reviewed a revised budget for use in subsidizing future events / functions.

** Carol Cooper, Social Director.  The Sports Pavilion has been reserved from 5pm to 9pm on Saturday, September 22nd for a barbeque social event.  Les will provide his commercial barbeque grill and will serve as the meat cook for the evening.  Carol will provide for all the trimmings plus non-meat alternatives.  Bottled water will be provided.  Event cost to members is not final but a minimum of $5 was discussed.  A sound system will be provided by Les which will allow members to play music from their hand-held devices – more on this to come.  Linda McDermott has volunteered to be in charge of the food service for the Oktoberfest Event.    The men’s and women’s luncheons will be at Turkey Creek on December 6 & 7 respectively. Kilaga Hall has been reserved on Tuesday, December 11th from 2 to 4 PM for our annual meeting.  Dates for Kilaga hall usage for 2019 will be done by Carol.

** Bob White, Communications Director.  Sun Senior News and Compass articles have been submitted for August publications.  The events page on the website has been updated to reflect all new and change dates.   A "think tank" with nine members has been formed to investigate ways to add a better social aspect to LHTG.  The first meeting was held July 21st.  The next meeting will be August 4th.

**Pickleball:  A small task force was formed including BJ White, Jerry Dong and Jim Farrell.  Their effort produced a document that was presented to the BOD.  John is working with the document to make it suitable for Les to sign as LHTG BOD President.  It is addressed to Craig Fraser with copies going to Ken Silverman, Marsha Van Wagner, Chris O'Keefe and Deborah McIlvaine.

** Les Van Pelt, No additional items at this time.

Meeting was adjourned at 12:25PM

The next BOD meeting not yet scheduled

Submitted by Bob White, Communications Director

BOD Meeting, Thursday, June 21, 2018

The meeting was called to order by Carol at 12:05. Present were Carol Cooper – Social Director, John Burke – Finance Director, Bob White – Communications Director. 

A motion was made to approve the minutes of the May BOD meeting.  The motion was seconded and passed.

** John Burke, Finance Director, reviewed the current financial reports.  A motion was made to approve the May expenditures which was seconded and passed.  He noted that paid membership to date was 252 but still leaves 42 from last year’s roster unpaid.  Our current actual balance is $3,871.28 as of 5/31/2018.  John will work up a revised budget for use in subsidizing future events / functions.

** Carol Cooper, Social Director.  The Sports Pavilion has been reserved from 5pm to 9pm on Saturday. September 22nd for a barbeque social event.  This will replace the Fall Dinner Dance.  Les will provide his commercial barbeque and will serve as the meat cook for the evening.  Carol will provide for all the trimmings plus non-meat alternatives.  A sound system will be located and provided to allow members to play music from their hand-held devices – more on this to come.  The men’s and women’s luncheons will be at Turkey Creek on December 6 & 7 respectively. Kilaga Hall has been reserved on Tuesday, December 11th from 2 to 4 PM for our annual meeting.  

** Bob White, Communications Director.  Sun Senior News and Compass articles have been submitted for July publications.  The events page on the website will be updated to reflect all new and change dates.  Inviting other SCLH Club’s to tennis style events was discussed.  Adding a more social twist to some LHTG functions was also discussed.  Bob will seek several member volunteers to plan and possibly execute such events.

**Pickleball:  At our Semi-annual meeting, Craig Fraser – Pickleball president, asked if LHTG would be willing to work with the Pickleball Club to explore possible new venues for pickleball courts. Even though this has been done several times over the past years, the BOD decided to form a small group of members familiar with the past efforts to formulate a response to Craig.  It was decided that Bill Cooper, BJ White and Jerry Dong would be asked to handle this effort.  Bob will confirm their willingness to work together to provide a response.

**Miscellaneous.  Members need to be reminded of our Association guest policy that requires all guest on the tennis courts to have been signed in at the Orchard Creek activities desk.  

Meeting was adjourned at 1:35PM

The next BOD meeting will be July 26th at noon at Kilaga.

Submitted by Bob White, Communications Director

General Membership Meeting, Friday, June 1, 2018

The meeting was called to order at 2:03 pm by President Les Van Pelt.  BOD members present were Carol Cooper – Social Director, John Burke – Finance Director, Bob White – Communication Director and David Mateer – Acting Tournament Director. 

A PDF file copy of the Power Point Slides used for the meeting is attached hereto and incorporated herein as the major portion of the minutes of the meeting.  Please review the attachment now.

LHTG member and Pickleball Club President Craig Fraser had asked to be on the meeting agenda.  He was given a 5-minute slot. He gave an overview of the current Pickleball Club goals.  He dispelled some rumors.  Craig explained the status of the Pickleball Club’s seeking more courts and asked if LHTG would be willing to work with the Pickleball Club to explore possible new venues for pickleball courts.  A point was made from the floor that this has been done several times over the past three years.  That was acknowledged by Craig.  Overall, the talk by Craig Fraser was well received and he was thanked by the BOD. 

A request was made by Janet McDuff to have a sub list available on our website.  Jack Ryder, who had done one in the past, agreed to work on this.

With all other business being accomplished, a motion was made to adjourn.  It was seconded, and the meeting was adjourned by Les at 3:00

Submitted by Bob White

Communications Director

BOD Meeting, Thursday, May 17, 2018

The meeting was called to order by Les at 12:05. Present were Les Van Pelt - President, Carol Cooper – Social Director, John Burke – Finance Director, Bob White – Communications Director. 

A motion was made to approve the minutes of the March BOD meeting.  The motion was seconded and passed.

** John burke, Finance Director, had emailed earlier the budget and financial reports that he then reviewed.  A motion was made to approve the March expenditures which was seconded and passed.  He noted that paid membership to date was 250 which leaves 42 from last year’s roster unpaid.  We will have ample cash to subsidize the Oktoberfest and the men & women’s luncheons.  Our current actual balance is $3,895.38 as of 4/30/2018.  John will prepare a spreadsheet for inclusion in the Semi-annual Meeting slide show to be produces by Bob

** Carol Cooper, Social Director.  The Sports Pavilion has been reserved from 5pm to 9pm on September 21st for a barbeque social event to follow the Mixed-Doubles Tournament.  This will replace the Fall Dinner Dance.  Les will provide his commercial barbeque and will serve as cook for the evening.  A non-professional music source will be located for this event.  The men’s and women’s luncheons will be at Turkey Creek on December 6 & 7 respectively.  Carol & John will preform check-in for the Semi-annual meeting at Kilaga on June 1st.  Carol will work with Bob to produce her slides for that meeting.

** Bob White, Communications Director, suggested we take a picture of the current BOD to replace the outdated picture – to be done soon.  Bob stated that the singles flex tournament is under way with over 20 members participating.  The six-week LITT event concluded last Tuesday – 36 members participated.  The Water Volleyball Club challenge was held last Tuesday evening with 16 LHTG members doing battle with WVC members.  It was a great event.  Bob got a $240 check from John for the deposit on the Lincoln Potters VIP baseball night.  We anticipate over 40 members participating on June 10.  Sun Senior News and Compass articles have been submitted.  Bob will produce an agenda for the June 1 semi-annual meeting.  Once reviewed by the BOD it will be emailed to the members.  Bob will produce a Power Pint slide show for the Semi-Annual Meeting to include slides for all the BOD members plus Dave Mateer on tournaments. This will need to be finalized at least two days before the June 1st meeting.  

** Les Van Pelt, president, has confirmed Dave Mateer will be the tournament Director for the mix-doubles and possibly the Oktoberfest. We will all continue to seek out a director for the fall LITT.  Four new winner’s plaques will be purchased for Men’s, Women’s and mix Doubles and the Singles event.  The men’s and women’s doubles plaques will be updated.  Les will purchase 4 gift cards to be given to the 4-tournament director thus far:  Bob Sanguinet, Greg Burke, Dave Mateer and Linda Burke. Les stated that he had been contacted by Craig Frazier, Pickleball President, a few days ago.  Craig wanted to see if he could come to our June BOD meeting to discuss pickleball’s need for more courts.  Les told him we would discuss this at our June BOD meeting and get back to him.  It was agreed that Bob would contact our members from past negotiations with pickleball to get some good history.  If we need to form a study task force on Pickleball issues it will be discussed at the Semi-annual meeting.

Meeting was adjourned at 1:35PM

The Semi-Annual meeting will be June 1st at Kilaga presentation Hall at 2pm.

The next BOD meeting will be June 14th at noon at Kilaga.

Submitted by Bob White, Communications Director

BOD Meeting, Thursday, April 19, 2018

The meeting was called to order by Les at 12:05. Present were Les Van Pelt - President, Carol Cooper – Social Director, John Burke – Finance Director, Bob White – Communications Director. 

A motion was made to approve the minutes of the March BOD meeting.  The motion was seconded and passed.

** John burke, Finance Director, had emailed earlier the budget and financial reports that he then reviewed.  A motion was made to approve the March expenditures which was seconded and passed.  He noted that paid membership to date was 225 which leaves 67 from last year’s roster unpaid.  The review of the revised budget showed a year ending balance of $1,324.  Our current actual balance is $3,796.90 as of 3/31/2018.

** Carol Cooper, Social Director.  Some thinking is being given to some upcoming events.  Maybe a BBQ after the mix-doubles on September 21 at the pavilion could be done.  Maybe even as a replacement for the dinner dance – more thinking will be done regarding the dinner dance.  She will research the Turkey Creek Golf Club facilities for the Christmas luncheons.  The semi-annual meeting is scheduled for Friday, June 1st from2-4pm at Kilaga Presentation Hall.

** Bob White, Communications Director, recapped the news articles in the Sun Senior News and the Compass.  Also, the listing in the Community Perks section of the Compass highlighting the ball machine practice and drop-in.  All doubles tournament winner’s photos are posted on the website.  As of April 15, all the 2007 members who remain unpaid for 2018 have been removed from the roster.  A good-buy & we will miss you email to be sent.  The group & sub list on display at the website will not be maintained by Jack Ryder, the original creator of these files.  They will be removed from the website for now.  Ken Newell has suggested a format for running a singles event over 6 weeks. This would take the place of a one-day tournament.  Bob Will work out the details with Ken.  Mel Switzer of the water volleyball club has invited LHTG to participate in a one day, May 15 match.  Bob & Carol will recruit 8 men and 8 women to play.  Wayne Sisneroz with the Lincoln potters Baseball club has invited LHTG to gather at the VIP tent for fun and food and to watch a game.  A minimum of 25 is needed.  Bob will send out an email soliciting interest.

** Les Van Pelt, president, has confirmed Dave Mateer will be the tournament Director for the mix-doubles and the Oktoberfest.  Les will continue to seek out a director for the fall LITT.  Four new winner’s plaques will be purchased for Men’s, Women’s and mix Doubles and the Singles event.  The men’s and women’s doubles plaques will be updated.  Les will call the unpaid members personally to have them re-think their choice to not renew.  Les has not been able to get with Cesar on court maintenance issues.  Bob suggested getting both Debra and Chris O’Keefe involved.  Les stated that he had a discussion with the member who caused some problems at the men’s doubles, telling him no more of that.

The next BOD meeting will be May 17th at noon at Kilaga.

Meeting was adjourned at 1:35PM

Submitted by Bob White, Communications Director


BOD Meeting, Thursday, March 15, 2018

The meeting was called to order by Les at 10:35. Present were Les Van Pelt - president, Carol Cooper – Social Director, John burke – Finance Director, Bob White – Communications Director, Greg Burke-  St Pats Tournament Director and Dave Mateer – Men’s and Women’s Tournament Director

A motion was made to approve the minutes of the February BOD meeting and the addendum created by the March 5 special meeting.  The motion was seconded and passed.

** St Pat’s Director, Greg Burke, recapped his plans for the tournament.  He has 82 players signed-up and may include a few more to balance out things.  He noted we have Deborah McIlvein’s approval to use all 11 courts all day.  He was given a budget $140 for prizes.  Weather related plans were discussed and a 7:15 time was picked for an email to all participants on the “play, delay or lunch only” decision.

** Men’s and Women’s Tournament Director, Dave Mateer, brought flyer samples for review.  The event fee will be $10 for players and for lunch only.  Non-LHTG members can play as a member’s guest for $15.  Dave bought balls for use at both his as well as Greg’s event and submitted his invoice to John.  He suggested keeping the food and prizes simple and indicated he would need 20 prizes.

** John burke, Finance Director, had emailed earlier the budget and financial reports that he then reviewed.  A motion was made to approve the Feb. expenditures which was seconded and passed.  A discussion on the upcoming proposed expenses for St Pats and the doubles tournaments took place.  A motion was made, seconded and passed to approve the expenditures.  He noted that paid membership to date was 217 which leaves 73 from last year’s roster unpaid.  He noted his schedule has him out of town April 8 thru the 13th.  He has backup for the Doubles check-in and will provide them the list of entrants.

** Carol Cooper, Social Director.  It was agreed that the St. Patrick's Day luncheon would be held at noon come rain or shine.  She needs a couple coolers and John and Les will bring.  She will have 5 food servers and Bob will replenish and replace serving containers for all.  John is to issue tickets to all who sign-in and will let them know they will need the ticket in order to be served.  Bob volunteered to be the ticket taker/enforcer.  An announcement is to be made that no one will be allowed seconds until all have been served their first.  For the Doubles tournaments, she will have a low-cost luncheon and prizes.  Some thinking is being given to some upcoming events.  Maybe a late summer or early fall BBQ at the pavilion could be done.  Maybe even as a replacement for the dinner dance – more thinking will be done regarding the dinner dance.

** Bob White, Communications Director, recapped the news articles in the Sun Senior News and the Compass.  Also, the upcoming listing in the Community Perks section of the Compass highlighting the ball machine practice and drop-in.  The flyers for the up-coming events will go out to the members shortly after the St. Pat’s conclusion.  All tournament winner’s photos will be taken and posted on the website.  The date of April 15 was picked to remove all last year’s members who remain unpaid for 2018 from the roster.

** Les Van Pelt, president, will continue to seek out tournament directors for the fall LITT, mix-doubles and Oktoberfest.  Internal communication and processes were reviewed.  The goal is to smooth out somewhat of rocky start.  The winner’s plaques are full which will necessitate the purchase of new plaques in order to list the winners of the doubles tournaments.  The 2017 audit by Mark Snapp has been received and will be past to all BOD members for review.  He will not be here for the women’s doubles.

The next BOD meeting will be April 19th at noon at Kilaga.

Meeting was adjourned at 12:45

Submitted by Bob White, Communications Director

BOD Meeting, Thursday, February 22, 2018

The meeting was opened by Les Van Pelt at 10:37. Attendees: Carol Cooper, John Burke and Bob White.  St Pat’s Tournament Director, Greg Burke, was unable to attend.

Minutes from the January 4th meeting which were posted electronically were approved.

Financial:  John provided a spread sheet showing the Valentine income and expense.  It showed a comparison of the past two years with the current and the past two years of the St Patrick’s.  The 2018 Valentine tournament resulted in the Club funding $265 for this event.  In 2017 the Club funded $615 for this event.  John also provided a tentative budget for the year.  This will be a working document where actual can be compared to the budget each month.  John attended the Associations annual clubs meeting on 1/17.  He reported on a presentation given by Jennifer Jensen, CPA on tax exempt status for clubs.  Discussion was had and a motion to table this issue to a future BOD meeting was approved.  John then reviewed the January financials that had been provided electronically to the members.  The bank balance at the end of January was $4,034.57.

Tournaments: Food provider and cost were the main topic.  It was agreed to negotiate with Randy Peters Catering for a full St Pat’s Day style food service.  Les has a tentative proposal and Carol will finalize.  The intent is to make the food service the best we can for this tournament.  A motion was made to increase the tournament entry price to $10 and the motion was approved.  Bob will have Linda Burke modify the flyer she had created to reflect this change.  Bob will highlight the menu in the email including the Linda Burke modified flyer link.  Les is working on securing a tournament Director for the men’s doubles and women’s doubles tournaments coming in April

Social:  The Association’s “Lifestyle Expo” for new residents is 2/27.  Carol and John will attend.  Carol will modify display board from last year for this year.  Carol will investigate some new venues for the Fall Dinner Dance as well as the Men’s and Women’s Christmas functions.  Other social ideas were mentioned, and Carol will dig into these ideas

Communications:  Since the ball machine practice will commence again in April, Bob will get a notice put in the Compass in the Residents Perk Section showing the ball machine practice coupled with Drop-in.  Bob is to do an E-Blast to all last year members who have not yet renewed.  Discussion was had to remove from the roster any person who has not renewed their membership.  This will be done after the St Pat’s tournament.  Our current “tournament winner plaques” from 2006 thru 2017 are completely full.  The seven plaques are now in our position and will be displayed at appropriate times in our display cases and at tournaments.  Discussion on the future of winner awards was had but no consensus was made.  Differed to the next meeting.

Other business:  Court condition was mentioned by Carol and Les responded that he is in touch with Deborah McIlvain and she is on top of things.  The website sub list done by Jack Ryder was discussed.  It needs to be maintained or removed. 

Nest meeting:  Thursday March 15 at 10:30 at the sports pavilion

Meeting adjourned at 12:15

Addendum to the minutes of February 22nd meeting.

1.    On March 5th, a meeting to approve the deposit check of approximately $90 to Randy’s catering was held.  Present were John, Carol & Bob – Les was excused.  A Motion was made and passed. 

2.    Additionally, Carol was authorized to purchase 8 movie ticket prizes for St Pat’s

3.    The meeting was adjourned.

BOD Meeting, Thursday, January 4, 2018

The 2018 BOD invited the 2017 BOD to a thank you gathering at 1:30 at the Sports Bar.  A light lunch and drinks were provided by the members of the 2018 BOD.  It was a nice event.  Pam conducted her final BOD meeting just before lunch was served – perfect timing.  After lunch the 2017 BOD departed.

Les called the meeting to order at 2:40pm.  All members were present.  Jay presented dates for the 5 tournaments.  Pam G volunteered to help Carol get the pavilion reserved for these dates.  John will provide the $450 that is required.  As soon as they are approved they are to be posted to the website and the Valentine Flyers will be emailed by Bob.  It was agreed that the format and pricing will be the same as last year.  Pam G has volunteered to help with the luncheon requirements and Carol will seek several others to help on tournament day.  Discussion on food formats for the other coming events was had with any decision coming at the next BOD meeting.  Seeking potential sponsors for the events that follow the Valentine tournament will be attempted by Les.

Ideas for new member recruitment were discussed.  The Club Expo on February 27th  will be attended by Carol.  She will seek volunteers to assist her effort.  Les suggested we have a “tennis fest” including a free barbeque.   Some ideas about coupling it with drop-in and ball machine use were discussed.  Timing issues of the event caused this discussion to be table to the next meeting.  Ball machine use will again be coupled with Drop-in.  Les to get this organized and implemented soon.  Advertising for this and general membership recruitment will be implemented by Bob and readied for the February Compass. 

John reported that as of today we have 170 members from 2017 who have not yet renewed for 2018.  He stated that he and Les would go with Cathy Garrison yet today to switch the Wells Fargo Bank account into their names.  He also stated that Cathy would assist him in implementing Quick books.  John and Bob agreed to work out the details of keeping the roster up to date.  The Jennifer Jensen, CPA meeting for Club reps is 1/17 Weds, at 9:30 KS presentation hall.  John will attend.

The next BOD meeting will be February 22nd at 10:30am at 601 Yerington Place, the home of Les.

The meeting was adjourned at 3:45pm.

Bob White, Communication Director