
2017 LHTG Meeting Minutes:

General Membership Meeting Presentation, December 8, 2017

Click: December 8 2017 General Membership Meeting Presentation

General Membership Meeting, December 8, 2017

Kilaga Hall 2pm

The meeting was called to order at 2:04 by President, Pam Flaherty. The agenda items were:
1) The new annual dues of $15 needs to be paid ASAP.
2) Activities and highlights of 2017 were listed, and Pam expounded on each. LHTG Clothing - Dave Sausen Saturday Ball Machine SATA Organization / Facility Membership Featured Players - Quarterly 8 Tournaments PLUS 2 LITT Seasons Holiday Party AND Luncheons
3) Financial summary with comments by Cathy: What You Paid: Membership Dues $ 3,320.00 Tournaments $ 3,236.00 Holiday Party $ 1,831.00 Total Income $ 8,387.00 How Your Money Was Spent: Tournaments $ 4,662.98 Holiday Party $ 2,871.21 Operating Costs $ 403.46 Total Spent (Expense) $ 7,937.65 Net Income for 2017 $ 449.35
4) Summary of the tournaments was listed followed by several pictures.
5) Member appreciation was next. All the members who help in some way were given a carnation and recognized by Pam for their help. 6) The 2018 BOD was introduced: LES VAN PELT: President JAY CHEEK: Tournament Director JOHN BURKE: Finance Director BOB WHITE: Communications Director and Webmaster CAROL COOPER: Social Director
7) The general meeting was adjourned at 2:28.

At 2:30 the SCLH BOD Candidates were introduced and gave their 2-minute response to questions provided to them in advance. DAVE CONNER MICHEAL DEAL HANK LIPSCHITZ DENNY VALENTINE JOE STEWART (WRITTEN COMMENTS were passed out) The responses were articulate. They were thanked by Pam for their participation.
A concluding raffle made several members happy as their tickets were drawn.
Bob White as a sub for Barb Davis

BOD Meeting, December 2017

(No BOD meeting was held in December 2017)

BOD Meeting, November 9, 2017

The meeting was called to order at 3:30 by President, Pam Flaherty. Attendees: Pam Flaherty, Dave Mateer, Polly Smith, Pamela Geernaert, Cathy Garrison and Barbara Davis. Our guest was Les Van Pelt, our nominated President for 2018.

Treasurer, Cathy Garrison reported we have a balance of $2,681.59 to date. She gave Les an overview of her duties as Treasurer. An increase of the annual dues was discussed. Polly Smith made a motion to increase the dues to $15.00 and Pam Geernaert seconded the motion. Everyone agreed and the 2018 annual dues were set at $15.00 per member. An announcement will go out to the membership advising them of the increase and the need to get their dues paid in a timely manner.

Tournament Director, Dave Mateer reports that tournaments for 2017 have been completed with the final tournament being the Oktoberfest. Dave will be meeting with Jay Cheek, our nominated Tournament Director for 2018, to turn over the information he will need to take over the position. Jay will have the freedom to choose what tournaments he wants to continue and any he would want to discontinue. Dave also asked that any rating changes requested by the membership should be approved by the Tournament Director before making changes in the roster.

NEW BUSINESS Dave Mateer made the suggestion of inviting the 2018 HOA Board of Directors candidates to our Annual Membership Meeting on December 8. This would allow them to campaign among the membership and answer prepared questions that would be of interest to the LHTG as well as the community. Pam will be inviting the candidates and if they accept, they will be allotted 30 minutes to present themselves to the membership.

Communications Director, Barbara Davis, will be sending the annual meeting announcement, an online voting ballot, and a form to submit the 2018 dues at the meeting. The November Tennis Talk from Pam will be going out along with the announcement of our final Featured Player for 2017. The monthly articles are being prepared to go into the Sun Senior News and the Compass. Our Featured Player will be published in the Sun Senior News for December and placed on the Bulletin Board at the Pavilion. An updated roster will be sent to membership the end of November.

Social Directors, Polly Smith and Pam Geernaert reported that both the Men’s and Women’s luncheons are in the final stages. Reservation forms were sent to the membership and are now being returned for the 12/7/2017 date. The Thunder Valley Buffet is reserved for the men and Cata Verdera is reserved for the women. Raffles are planned at each event. Also, the women's luncheon includes a request for donations to Toys for Tots.

President, Pam Flaherty, is preparing slides of the year in review for the LHTG Annual Meeting on 12/8/2017, at Kilaga Springs Presentation Hall at 2:00 p.m. It is hoped that there will be a good turnout for the meeting with the HOA candidates and the announcement of the 2018 LHTG Board. We will have online voting for the 2018 LHTG Board before the meeting to be sure we have the quorum needed. Dues will be collected and the winter clothing line will be displayed at the meeting also. Pam will be presenting a special gift to show her appreciation to all those who helped to make 2017 such a successful LHTG tennis year by presenting them with special recognition and a thank you gift.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:05 PM. The next meeting will be the Annual Meeting to be held on Friday, December 8, 2017 at 2:00 PM. It is hoped all LHTG members will attend.

Barbara Davis Communications Director

BOD Meeting, October 11, 2017

The meeting was called to order at 3:30 by President, Pam Flaherty. Attendees: Pam Flaherty, Dave Mateer, Polly Smith, Cathy Garrison and Barbara Davis. Our guest was Russell Smith. The board meeting for September was conducted online.

Treasurer, Cathy Garrison reported we have a balance of $3,979.31 to date.

Tournament Director, Dave Mateer reports that he has completed the Mixed Doubles Tournament and the Fall LITT final is being played next week. The Oktoberfest, being played 10/21, is well on its way with 59 signups and 70 shirts ordered. Jack Cheeks will be working with Dave on this final tournament. Winner plaques were discussed and it was decided, since there is no place available to display these plaques, the winner history would be made available on the LHTG website.

The Saturday Ball Machine practice is ongoing and very successful. It was discussed that this program should be run from April to November. Bob Belknap has done a tremendous job of getting volunteers to run this which has made it as successful as it has been.

NEW BUSINESS Communications Director, Barbara Davis, will be sending announcements and signups to the membership regarding the Annual Dinner/Dance to be held on 11/8/2017 at Orchard Creek Lodge. Tom Fretty is to provide the music for this special gathering of the LHTG. Announcements for the 12/7/2017 Men’s and Women’s luncheons will also be sent out soon. Also the monthly articles are being prepared to go into the Sun Senior News and the Compass.

Social Director, Polly Smith reported that both the Men’s and Women’s luncheons will be on 12/7/2017. Thunder Valley Buffet is reserved for the men and Cata Verdera is reserved for the women. She will get all information together so announcements can be sent out. There is a lot of storage needed for the decorations used at different tournaments and events. Pam offered to store some of these items. They are passed from one board to the next and a more convenient way to store these items could be discussed with the new board.

President, Pam Flaherty, reported the association board has approved the funding to add 35-38 additional parking spaces at the pavilion. A featured player for November was selected. Keeping the courts cleaned and lights replaced has been a challenge. Dave will request the cleaning schedule for the courts and once again ask that burned out lights be replaced. The LHTG Annual General Meeting will be at Kilaga Auditorium at 2:00 p.m. Membership dues will be collected and 2018 Board will be introduced.

Meeting was adjourned at 5:15 PM. The next meeting will be held on Thursday November 9, 2017 at 3:30 PM. It is open to all LHTG members.

Barbara Davis Communications Director

BOD Meeting, September 14, 2017

September 14 2017 LHTG Board Meeting Minutes Conducted online


Directors Reports:
Financials: Bank statements and financial accounting reflect our average balance of 3,989.94. We will review budget and and Mixed Doubles tournament accounts at the October meeting.

Tournaments: All publicity, tournament formats, entry forms etc are established. We are currently running four LITT Teams with approximately 40 players on Tuesday nights. LITT will run for seven weeks and Mixed Doubles will be on Thursday September 21, 2017.

Social: All food planning for tournaments is current and Holiday Party is set for Meridians in early November. Communications Quarterly membership rosters went out in August. Tennis Group Coordinators (with a picture honoring tennis group coordinator Mike Tom) will be featured in Sun Senior News this month.

Sub and Social Tennis Group Lists: Compiled by Jack Ryder and distributed via Communications email. We need more male subs in particular. The board thanks Jack for his excellent work.

Court Maintenance: Jack Williams has reported nets that need to be replaced to maintenance. Courts are now on schedule to be washed regularly. Lights have been replaced.

Sports Pavilion Parking: currently being discussed and planned as an association budget item for 2018. Dave Mateer has attended association meetings and is aware of parking expansion plans. Board Members for 2018: Nomination committee has been recruiting. We will continue efforts to fill positions through the Fall for the 2018 term.

Meeting conducted online and all board members have approved of this summary.

Respectfully submitted by Pam Flaherty

BOD Meeting, August 10, 2017

The meeting was called to order at 3:30 by President, Pam Flaherty. Attendees: Pam Flaherty, Dave Mateer, Polly Smith and Barbara Davis. Guests were Jack Ryder and Russell Smith. The board meeting for July 2017 was cancelled.

The Saturday Ball Machine practice is ongoing and very successful. Ball replacements were discussed and a way to let members know their old balls will be used for the ball machine and encouraged to drop their used balls in a box that will be provided. A signup sheet will be made available to those who come out to the practice for our records.

The clothing line coordinated by Dave Sausen is very successful. New items will be added for the winter months. Thank you to Dave.

Featured Player Articles are a success. Jerry Dong will be our featured player in the September 2017 Sun Senior News and Compass. Thank you Mary Beth for your great work in bringing these members stories to us.

President, Pam Flaherty reported the financials for our Financial Director Cathy Garrison. It is reported that we have a balance of $3,989.44 as of 7/31/2017.

Tournament Director, Dave Mateer has the Fall LITT, 9/5/2017, and the Mixed Doubles Tournament, 9/21/2017, ready to announce.

Polly Smith reported the Christmas Dinner date needed to be changed because of the closing of Beerman’s. The date is now November 8, 2017 at the Meridian in the Orchard Creek Ball Room.

Pam will be sending an announcement out to the membership regarding updated information for the roster and USTA team registration deadline. Also, Jack Ryder suggested a way to connect new members to the established groups. A list will be established and made available to members for the purposes of getting subs, meeting new players and expanding groups. Pam’s Tennis Talk will be coming out soon also. Wait times were discussed and ways of notifying members of available outside courts that could be used when wait time is excessive.

Barbara Davis will be sending an updated LHTG Roster to members on August 31.

Selecting a nominating committee to establish a LHTG Board for 2018 was discussed. Pam and Dave will be contacting those mentioned.

Also discussed were some changes/clarifications to the LHTG Rules and Regulations 6/15/2017. They were the Accident report procedure and prime time hours.

The meeting was adjourned at 4:45 p.m. The next meeting will be held Thursday, September 14 at 3:30 p.m.

Barbara Davis Communications Director

BOD Meeting, July 2017

(No BOD meeting was held in July 2017)

General Membership Meeting, June 15, 2017

  The meeting was called to order at 2:00 p.m. by President, Pam Flaherty.

Pam introduced Jeanette Mortensen, Kilaga staff, who presented “Demystifying the Defibrillator”.

Financials: Cathy Garrison, Treasurer, presented up to date information and reported we have a balance of $4,151.00 as of May 31, 2017.

Social: Polly Smith and Pam Geernaet are busy setting up details for the Holiday Dinner/Dance. They have reserved Beermans for 11/9/2017. The men’s and women’s Christmas Luncheon dates and location will be announced.

Communications: Barbara Davis, Communications Director, will be sending membership rosters out quarterly and will continue to keep the membership informed of all LHTG activities.

Tournaments: David Mateer, Tournament Director, listed winners from past tournaments and mentioned upcoming events: Mixed Doubles will be played 9/21/2017 and the Oktoberfest will be played 10/21/2017.

President: Pam Flaherty, President, recognized everyone who has helped make our LHTG a success. Pam also read the “Competitive Facility Use Clarification”. This Clarification is posted on the sclhtg website. Announced also is the need for a new Board for 2018 and asked for volunteers to take up the open positions.

The meeting was adjourned at 3:00.

The next LHTG Board Meeting will be July 14, 2017 at 1:00 p.m. All are welcome.

Barbara Davis Communications Director

BOD Meeting, June 8, 2017

The meeting was called to order at 3:30 by President, Pam Flaherty. Attendees: Pam Flaherty. Pam Geernaert, Dave Mateer and Barbara Davis.


The line of clothing that was introduced and is being coordinated by Dove Sausen is very successful. LHTG teams are ordering as well as individuals. Thank you to Dave. A link for ordering the clothing con be found on the LHTG website. Thank you to Bob.

Featured Player Articles are a success. Jane Buffington was featured in the June 2017 Sun Senior News and Compass.

Drop-in Ball machine scheduler, Bob Belknap, is working hard to get volunteers to work the boll machine on Saturdays. It is not only being used at our drop-in, but individuals and teams have started using it for practices. It is a great success!


President, Pam Flaherty reported the financials for- our Financial Director Cathy Garrison. It is reported that we have a balance of $4,151.00 as of 5/31/2017.

Tournament Director, Dave Mateer reported a small but successful singles tournament that was completed- Next tournaments will be Mixed Doubles, 9/21/2017 and Oktoberfest 10/21/2017. Cutting tournaments down to a smaller number was also discussed.

Pam Geernaert reported the Christmas Dinner will be held on Thursday, 11/9/2017l at Beerman's. She and Polly hove reserved the facility. She will be bock in contact with Beerman's to confirm the reservation.

Pam is working on the presentations for the General Meeting scheduled for Thursday, 6/15/2O17 at 7 PM at Kilaga Springs. She has arranged to have a presentation made by Jeanette Mortensen, Kilaga staff, of the defibrillator. Pam is also preparing power point reports for the meeting. These will include the agenda and reports from the directors of finance, communications, food and tournaments. Reminders will be posted at the Pavilion and a reminder!" notice will be emailed to the membership prior to the meeting.

Pam hos been in discussions with the association to get approval to allow outside players to join the LHTG USTA/SATA teams. The Board worked on a Clarification of the Association Facilities use to be presented to the membership and put on the website for member's information.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:09 p.m. The next meeting will be held Friday, July 14,2017 at 1:00 p.m.

Barbara Davis, Communications Director


BOD Meeting, May 11, 2017

The meeting was called to order at 3:30 by President, Pam Flaherty. Attendees: Pam Flaherty, Cathy Garrison, Barbara Davis, Polly Smith and Dave Sausen.

Dave Sausen presented a line of clothing for individual players and team players to be able to order with the LHTG logo. It was discussed how to present this to LHTG and a procedure of ordering. Clothing will be on display at the Pavilion so players can see the quality of the clothing and place orders. This will be done for LITT 5/17/17 and in the mornings from 5/22/17 to 5/27/17. We will also look into placing the clothing website on the LHTG website for members to order directly. Pam will discuss this with webmaster, Bob White, to see if it is feasible.

Financial Director Cathy Garrison reported a balance of $4,435.13 as of 4/30/17.

Ladies Doubles Tournament was completed after a couple of rain delays. This was successfully coordinated by Bob Sanguinet. The Board wants to thank Bob for all his hard work and endurance in getting this completed in spite of all the rain delays. Great job Bob.

The Semi Annual Meeting is scheduled for 6/15/2017 at 2:00 p.m. at Kilaga Springs. Pam has tentatively arranged to have a presentation made by Jan Norbert and Lincoln Hills staff of the defibrillator. Pam is also preparing power point reports for the meeting. These will include the agenda and reports from the directors of finance, communications, food and tournaments.

The Board is making an effort to streamline Board positions and duties. It is exploring a way to reduce the number of tournaments to five each year rather than ten and make recommendation to the next board. Those five would include the St. Patrick’s Day, the Schaack Mixed Doubles, Men/Women’s Doubles and Octoberfest. It was suggested using volunteers to run the tournaments rather than having one individual carrying the responsibility of all of them.

Board position replacements need to be brought forward. Each Board member should be ready to recommend someone to replace them. Also a request for volunteers will be placed in Pam’s “Tennis Talk”.

Pam has been in discussions with the association to get approval to allow outside players to join the LHTG USTA/SATA teams. This was turned down by the Association and Executive Board. They will however reconsider this decision if it is pursued with a letter to the board. Any member who would want to follow through and put this forth again is encouraged to let Pam know and come up with a plan.

Pace Race was held and very successful.

Drop-in/Ball machine scheduler, Bob Belknap, has taken charge and is looking for volunteers to carry this successful addition into June.

The Board selected featured player, Jane Buffington has been announced. The article will go into the Sun Senior News for June. We will also see about getting our Featured Players included in the Compass again.

An updated Membership Roster was emailed to members on April 30. Pam prepared a final notice to those members that had not paid for 2017 and at least 10 memberships were renewed as a result of her efforts. The timing of the distribution of the Roster was discussed. It was decided that the Roster would be sent out quarterly. The January 15 roster will include all members paid in the new year and all members not paid identifying each with bolding and not bolded. The dates the roster will be sent are April 30, August 31, and November 30. Barbara and Cathy will contact Bob White to see if there is a way to put the roster on the LHTG website and keep it updated there for all members to use.

The meeting was adjourned at 4:30 p.m. The next meeting will be held June 8, 2017 at 3:30 p.m.

Barbara Davis Communications Director

BOD Meeting, April 13, 2017

The meeting was called to order at 3:30 by President, Pam Flaherty. Attendees: Pam Flaherty, Cathy Garrison, Pam Geernaert, Barbara Davis, Polly Smith and Russ Smith.

Financial Director Cathy Garrison reported a balance of $3,895.79 as of 4/13/17. Cathy will be meeting with Mark Snapp, our LHTG auditor to determine what information is not needed in order to simplify the accounting process.

The Semi Annual Meeting is scheduled for 6/15/2017 at 2:00 p.m. at Kilaga Springs. Pam has arranged to have a presentation made of the defibulator. Also, Pam will be asking for help with the power point presentations.

Board position replacements need to be brought forward. Each Board member should be ready to recommend someone to replace them. Also a request for volunteers will be placed in Pam’s “Tennis Talk”.

Pam is in discussions with the association to get approval to allow outside players to join the LHTG USTA/SATA teams.

A request was made to provide LHTG tennis clothing to the membership. The suggestion was made to be able to order online to simplify this process. Pam will follow up.

Pam and Polly will be working on putting a social together for Pickleball and Tennis.

Men’s Doubles Tournament was completed. Women’s Doubles Tournament had to be rescheduled for Wednesday 4/26/17 due to rain.

Pace Race information is going out to the membership as well as to remind participants of the lower fee if signed up early.

Drop-in/Ball machine was a great success with 20+ members showing up to use it. This will continue through April and hopefully into May if there is continued interest.

Court repairs are being made as well as the fountain near court 5.

The Board selected the next featured player. Barbara will make the necessary contacts to get it started.

An updated Membership Roster will be mailed to members on April 30. Pam has prepared a final notice to those members that have not paid for 2017 so they can be included in the Roster. This reminder will be in letter form and a self-addressed envelope included for their convenience.

The meeting was adjourned at 4:30 p.m. The next meeting will be held May 11, 2017 at 3:30 p.m.

Barbara Davis Communications Director


BOD Meeting, March 9, 2017

The meeting was called to order at 3:30 by President, Pam Flaherty. Attendees: Pam Flaherty, David Mateer, Cathy Garrison and Barbara Davis.

Financial Director Cathy Garrison reported a balance of $3,997.28. Costs for the tournament were discussed and compared with past tournaments. Cathy will be developing a budget for 2017. It was voted on to increase fee $8.50 per tournament. This would cover the increasing expenses. It was reported that we now have 221 paid members with 44 signed up for the upcoming Sporting the Green Tournament.

OLD BUSINESS David Mateer, Tournament Director, reported on the success of the Valentines Tournament.

The Club Expo was well attended and Pam, Cathy and Pam G. staffed it and got our name out there to promote interest in tennis. It is set up to do again next year.

A lot of interest has been shown for the Pace Race which Pam is heading up. She will be getting instructions out to the membership for joining.

Drop-in/Ball machine will be set up for anyone who wants a workout during Saturday Drop-in for the month of April on a trial basis. We will then evaluate benefits.

NEW BUSINESS Pam is working to secure sponsors for our tournaments. These sponsors will be included on all fliers that are sent out to give Schaack Physical Therapy and any other sponsors we have greater exposure for their sponsorship. She will be working with Peter Schor and will report back at the next board meeting. Beach Hut Deli sent a thank you for ordering from them for the Valentines Tournament. They included coupons for two free sandwiches. These will be presented as prizes at one of the upcoming tournaments.

Dave has completed the fliers for the Men’s Doubles Tournament being held 4/10/17 and the Women’s Doubles Tournament to be held 4/12/17. Members will be encouraged to invite guests as a partner in each of these tournaments. The Spring LITT will begin 4/5/17.

Our first Featured Player will be in the April Club updates of the Compass and Sun Senior News. The article will also be placed in the bulletin board at the Pavilion. It was also decided to send it out by email to the membership. Mary Beth Quallick has volunteered to be our roving reporter and will be interviewing the next selected player within the next few months.

Correspondence from members was discussed of court usage and maintenance. Pam met with Cesar regarding replacing lights that are out, ripples in the courts (may resolve itself with the heat) squeegee replacement, repair and cleaning. Based on LHTG member requests, the board approved a proposal to continue discussion with management of league court scheduling during the summer.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:10 p.m. The next meeting will be held April 13, 2017 at 3:30 at Pam Flaherty’s home.

Barbara Davis Communications Director

BOD Meeting, February 9, 2017

The meeting was called to order at 3:40 by President, Pam Flaherty.
Approve minutes of January meeting.

OLD BUSINESS -Drop-in/Ball machine. Pam spoke with the Well-Fit coordinator (Deborah McIllvane) regarding the 1.5 hour time limit on the ball machine. It was decided that the ball machine could be available for 2 hours and we will begin to have experienced player volunteers pick it up and operate it on one of the drop-in courts on the Saturday drop-in beginning in April. The board felt this may attract new players and provide an opportunity to test out tennis skills in a comfortable format. If successful, the ball machine would be added to Wednesday drop-in.
-Club Expo: On going and carried forward
-Drop-in/Ball machine. Pam spoke with the association regarding the time limit on the ball machine. It was decided that the ball machine could be available for 2 hours and we will begin to have volunteers pick it up and have it at the courts on the Saturday drop-in beginning in April. If successful, the Wednesday drop-in would be added.
-Club Expo: On going and carried forward

-Valentine’s Tournament Update: 27 teams with 54 players. Weather was discussed and backup plan if courts are still wet.
-March Tournament: Sporting the Green being planned for 3/18/2017. Notice to go to Bob White to be added to website after the Valentine Tournament is completed. Signups will be available at the Valentines Tournament.
-Discussed inviting guests to play in the Men’s and Women’s Doubles tournaments. Since championship plaques are awarded the competitive tournaments may only want guests included in the social events. Exploring ways to maintain plaque integrity.
-Tournament dates were updated as follows: 2/11/17 Valentine’s Day 3/18/17 Sporting the Green 4/05/17 Spring LITT 4/10/17 Men’s Doubles 4/12/17 Women’s Doubles 6/03/17 Women’s Singles 6/03/17 Men’s Singles 9/05/17 Fall LITT 9/21/17 Mixed Doubles 10/21/17 Octoberfest
SOCIAL – Polly and Pam
-Lunch has been ordered from Beach Hut for the Valentine Tournament.
-Dates were set for the General Meetings so the room can be reserved. General Meeting dates set for 6/15 or 6/22 at 2:00 p.m. and 12/7 at 2:00 p.m.

-Financial Report was discussed and how to simplify the data presented to the Board and members.
-170 members have paid for 2017 to date
-Procedure for approval of expenses was discussed along with preparing a budget for 2017 using the 2016

-Barbara and Pam will meet with writer Linda Lucetti to discuss tennis player feature profiles and human interest stories in media to enhance Public Relations for Tennis Group. Meeting Tuesday 2/21 at 12:30 -Linda Burke is creating a generic flyer to use for drop-in Wednesday and Saturday as a hand out. Also to be used as a handout at the Expo.

-A motion was made by Polly and seconded by Barbara and passed to pay $80 SATA fee from tennis fund for a one year trial basis to see how much interest can be generated.
-Pam is coordinating a “Team Tennis” 5K Walk to be introduced to the membership for participation. A motion was made by Polly and seconded by Barbara and passed.
-Training for defibulator was discussed. Possible training during the March tournament. To be communicated to membership. Accident forms should be kept in cabinet. Purchase of cool packs and storage in cabinet was discussed. Safety protocol was shared by Pam based upon Deborah McIllvane’s instructions. Board Meeting Minutes February 9, 2017 Page 3
-Peter Schor requested courts be made available to Lincoln High School tennis students on Monday, Wednesday and Fridays 3:30-5:00 pm, from 2/13-4/30/2017. LHTG members will play with 6-8 varsity players and sign-up for courts and all rules apply. Board submitted a signed letter of approval to Peter to present to the Association BOD.
-Bulletin Board is to be maintained by Janice Braganza
-Letter from Russell Smith was discussed where he requested a change to the tennis group USTA league rules. The change would allow competitive teams (USTA and SATA) play in June, July and August at a start time of10:00 a.m. rather than 11:00 a.m. Only one competitive team per day would be allowed, leaving 8 available courts. It would be on a first come first served basis to reserve coorts with LHTG USTA coordinator. A motion was made by Barbara and seconded by Dave and approved to go to the association for the change.
-Pam asked what kind of a club do we want and how do we want to identify ourselves. Do we want to pursue more competitive tennis or social? Do we want to grow our tennis community?
-Challenge court, Tennis and Pickle Ball team tournament, was discussed and members will continue exploring different programs to bring to our tennis group. -Support of USTA and SATA was discussed.
Meeting was adjourned at 5:30 p.m. Next meeting to be held March 9, 2017 at 3:30 p.m.

BOD Meeting, January 5, 2017

Our new President, Pam Flaherty had a beautiful buffet for the new and outgoing Board. The meeting was called to order by outgoing President Bob White at 12:22 p.m. Those attending: 2016 Board – Bob White. 2017 Board: Pam Flaherty, Dave Mateer, Pam Geernaert, Polly Smith, Cathy Garrison and Barbara Davis.

Old Business:
-Minutes of the December Board meeting were approved. They are posted on the website.
-Minutes of the December General Meeting were approved.
1. Financials – Cathy Garrison reported the balance as of 12/31/2016 is $2,563.53. The report was approved. December bills are completed and approved.
2. Tournaments – Dave Mateer to continue as 2017 Director. Next year’s tentative dates are in place.
3. Social – Polly Smith and Pam Geernaert to continue as 2017 Social Directors. Tentative dates are set to reserve Pavilion for tournaments and approved by Shelvie. Polly and Pam checking on changing a couple of dates and will report back.
4. Communications – BJ White completed the Compass and Senior News articles for 2016 along with a free half page ad to be in the January Compass. Transition to Barbara is complete
5. President – Bob White discussed SIT which is reorganizing and to restart in January. Drop In fixture will be put in place soon. A shelf for winner’s plaques is in progress. Names on plaques are up to date. Transition to Pam complete. Adjourned to proceed on with the first meeting of the new board. Thank you appreciation to the Bob and BJ for all their work and support with the club.

New Business:
1. President – Pam Flaherty.
- It was decided that a monthly board meeting will be held the second Thursday of each month at 3:30 p.m. The location will be at Pam’s house unless more room is needed from time to time. - Pam handed out vision letter to the board for their review. The letter will be sent out to the membership.
2. Financials – Cathy Garrison.
-Cathy reported the balance including dues as of 1/5/17 was $4,101.53 -The Valentine tournament entry fees are being received -Audit materials have been given to Mark Snap -Cathy suggested reviewing and updating the By-Laws. For further discussion -Club liability was discussed. We are a “group” no “club”. For further discussion. - Pam G. and Cathy G. will attend Association club meeting on 1/18/2017 at KS to l earn about new by-Laws requirements and other club changes and information.
3. Tournaments – David Mateer
-Dave handed out a list of all tournaments planned with tentative dates -Some dates may need to be changed and Polly/Pam to get back with any changes -Discussion was held addressing Greg Burkes issues with tournament scheduling. Pam will respond to Greg via email.
4. Social – Pam Geernaert/Polly Smith
-Pavilion has been reserved for all tournament dates. -$525 is needed for the reservations
5. Communications – Barbara
-Has a calendar of dates to get Sun City News articles and Compass articles in for publication. -To work on fixing computer to allow for large mailings to membership.

Other Business:
- Barbara - Ball Machine could be made more available to players. Possibly have a list of those willing to be responsible to have the machine at the courts at a scheduled time and day that the membership could use. Also have available at drop-ins. For further discussion of a procedure to set up.
- Pam - Lost and Found. Notice should go out that all tennis Lost and found items are to be placed taken to the Activities desk at Orchard Creek.
– Bulletin Board-Pam –Janis Braganza and Pam and Polly will share resources and enhance our tennis bulletin board display.
- Pickle Ball Meeting-Pam Reported on meeting with pickleball President, Craig Fraser to have group training with pb and tennis on defibrillator device and other joint activities to bring the two groups together in a collaborative way.
- Pam – Club Expo, February 28, 2017. Application filed. Board discussed setting up tennis table. . Meeting adjourned.